Our Life and Work at St. James’ Mill Creek
We spread joy and God’s love through our fellowship, community events, ministries, and missions. At St. James’ there are so many opportunities to get involved and share time, interests and talents.
Altar Guild
Almighty God, grant we beseech Thee,
That we may handle Holy things with reverence,
And perform our work with such faithfulness and devotion
That it may rise with acceptance before Thee and obtain Thy blessing;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The duties of the Altar Guild are to reverently care for the altar and its furnishings and linens, and to prepare for each service. The mission of this quiet, behind the scenes ministry is to assist the rector with carrying out the celebration of worship. We welcome and are available to train new members at any time during the year.
Family Promise
At St. James’, we are a mission-centered congregation. We joyfully work together to be God’s heart and hands in the world.
We partner with Family Promise of Northern New Castle County as part of their Rotational Hospitality Network to provide emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness. We provide home cooked meals, a safe place to sleep, and room for children to just play and be kids during our host weeks.
The need is greater than ever now due to COVID19. In order to keep volunteers and families safe during this pandemic, families will be housed in hotels until Family Promise can safely open up the rotational network again. In the meantime, St. James’ will continue to provide meals and much needed supplies for families. Please contact the church office at if you are interested in getting involved.

‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
St. James’ has been actively participating with Family Promise of Northern New Castle County since its inception in 2010. Their mission is to prevent and end homelessness for families by engaging volunteers, donors, and the faith-based community. Family Promise keeps families together, serving moms, dads, and children of all ages, and families of all sizes. They do not restrict based on age of children or composition of family. 80% of their families move to stable housing.
Emmanuel Dining Room
For each month that has 31 days (seven months a year), St. James’ is responsible for preparing* and serving a delicious lunch to the guests at Emmanuel Dining Room on Walnut Street. On the day before our lunch, we gather to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cookies for our guests. Please come and join us!
During the winter, we offer a hot meal of lasagna or meatball sub, green beans, fresh fruit, homemade cookies, and milk. In the summer, we offer a tuna sub, chips, fresh fruit, homemade cookies, and milk. Each guest can take a peanut butter sandwich for later that day or to share with a friend.
Since 1979, St. James’ volunteers of all ages have shared God’s gifts and love through this ministry. The blessings abound for all who share and engage in this ministry of hospitality. The Emmanuel Dining Room is part of the Ministry of Caring. For more information, please contact Cindy Fauerbach at:
*Note: Since March 2020, we provide the lunch, extra water, and whatever else is needed. While the need for these lunches has increased, we regret safety regulations due to the Covid19 virus prohibit us from actually serving the meals to the guests. In fact, the guests no longer enjoy eating in the dining room, but line up on the street and collect a “take away” meal. As soon as it is possible, we will return to making and serving the lunches and sharing in fellowship with our guests at the Emmanuel Dining Room. Contributions to help support this ministry are appreciated.
Prayer Team
On the first Sunday of every month the members of the prayer team hold a short prayer service in the church* following the second service (focusing on the prayer requests left in the basket in the entrance to the church and other concerns of the parish, community, and world.) All are welcome to participate in these monthly services. Then, throughout the month, they collect prayer requests at the end of the second service and lift them up during the week. *NOTE: During this time of Covid19, the prayer team is holding ZOOM prayer team gatherings twice a month. Also, weekly we share the prayers and petitions that have been given to us and they are lifted up daily by members of the team.
For those who are not able to come to church or have an immediate prayer need, we invite you to email your prayer needs to Carolyn Mack at or call 302-565-8675 .
Worship Life Ministry Team
A dedicated corps of volunteers includes those who serve as members of the Altar Guild and Flower Committee, lay readers, acolytes, ushers, and the choir. The Worship Life Ministry Team, which includes representatives of these ministries, supports the parish and rector to plan out seasonal worship and to discuss any upcoming changes.
Pastoral Care Team
St. James’ Pastoral Care Team is here and wants to help.
If you or someone you know is in need, we send cards, we make phone calls, we will pray with you and/or for you. NOTE: Once safety from the Covid19 virus permits, we will continue to make home and hospital visits and make Eucharistic visits.
Please call the office (302-994-1584) and leave a message. Someone will get back to you. Messages are retrieved daily, seven days a week. NOTE: once safety from the Covid19 virus permits, on Sundays there are forms and envelopes labeled “Pastoral Care” next to the prayer requests in the church entrance. Please place your request in the offering plate or the prayer basket.
Please let us know if you need us or someone you know needs us, we won’t know if you don’t tell us.